Punk Sergeant: 2/5/06 - 2/12/06

Friday, February 10, 2006

I hate the internet!

Clearly it's time to start telling the truth about the internet! Let's tell the world!

Flags from the frontline

U.S. Flag
Originally uploaded by misfitpunksgt.

I currently have flags that where flown in Camp Fallujah, Iraq. They come with a certificate and a high quality flag.

In addition, I have t-shirts, baseball caps and other souvenirs for sale from one of the happiest places on earth.

You can purchase from me directly or from ebay.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Google chat in Gmail... What's next...?

Originally uploaded by misfitpunksgt.
It's clear that Google is attempting to take over the world, stop the freedom of speech in China, preventing BMW from selling cars. Know they are trying to sell mind controlling water...

email punksgt@gmail.com to buy some...

And Ron Burgandy says....

Originally uploaded by misfitpunksgt.
If only the action 4 news team was here!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Our friend Muhammed...

It seems that world is on the verge of a religious war over some cartoon. (As if it wasn't before) Since none of the American media will show the cartoon, here is a blog that is dedicated to this debate. So much for free speech, Hello 1984!

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

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