Google water is back!!!

BoingBoing was so kind to place the Google water up on your site back in Jan. while I was in Camp Fallujah, Iraq.
As you might remember I placed the water up for charity auction on Ebay to benefit the Fisher house. Unfortunately the all-powerful Google had my Ebay site shut down my auction, due to copyright violations. Luckily the highest bidder contacted me outside of Ebay and we were able to make a donation to the Fisher house for $130.
I’m back from Iraq and have brought some Google water back with me. Unfortunately there are Marines and service members who will not be returning to their families. Since Ebay will not allow me to auction off the water for charity. I would like to sell the bottle of water for a $500 donation to the Fisher house. The specific can be worked out between buyer and myself. Or if any of the staff of boingboing or readers know a better way to auction this off please inform me and I will adjust appropriately.